How to easily identify cryptocurrency scams (9 red flags)

Cryptocurrency scams are becoming more prevalent and sophisticated, targeting both new and experienced investors.

Scammers use various tactics to trick people into sending them money or revealing their private keys, which can result in losing access to their crypto assets or having them stolen.

To protect yourself from falling victim to a crypto scam, you need to be aware of the common signs and red flags that indicate something is not right. Here are nine of them:

1. An unsolicited offer or request

If someone contacts you out of the blue via email, phone, social media, or any other channel and asks you to invest in a cryptocurrency project, send them crypto, or share your wallet details, be very cautious.

This could be a phishing attempt or a fake investment scheme that promises high returns but delivers nothing.

Always do your own research before investing in any crypto project and never send money or reveal your private keys to anyone you don’t know or trust.

Read here on how to identify phishing emails.

2. Fake celebrity endorsement

Scammers often use the names and images of celebrities, influencers, or experts to promote their fraudulent crypto schemes.

They may create fake websites, social media accounts, or news articles that look legitimate but are actually designed to lure you into their trap.

For example, you may see an ad that claims Elon Musk or Oprah Winfrey is giving away free Bitcoin or endorsing a new crypto platform. Don’t fall for it.

Always verify the source and authenticity of any information you see online and don’t click on any suspicious links or attachments.

3. Romance scam

Romance scams are a type of social engineering fraud where scammers pretend to be interested in a romantic relationship with someone they meet online, usually on a dating website or app.

They may spend weeks or months building trust and intimacy with their target, then ask them for money or crypto for various reasons, such as an emergency, a business opportunity, or a gift.

Once they receive the money or crypto, they disappear or ask for more.

Never send money or crypto to someone you haven’t met in person and don’t share your personal or financial information with anyone online.

4. Pressure to transfer your crypto to another wallet

Some scammers may try to convince you to move your crypto from your current exchange or wallet to another one that they claim is more secure, profitable, or convenient.

They may use fear tactics such as:-

  • telling you that your account is hacked, compromised, or frozen, or
  • offer incentives, such as bonuses, rewards, or discounts.

However, once you transfer your crypto to their platform, you may find out that it is fake, inaccessible, or controlled by them.

Never transfer your crypto to another platform without doing your own research and verifying its legitimacy and reputation.

5. You encounter a giveaway scam

Giveaway scams are a type of scam where scammers promise to give away free crypto or other prizes to people who participate in a contest, survey, quiz, or lottery.

They may ask you to send a small amount of crypto to verify your identity or eligibility, or to pay for fees, taxes, or shipping costs.

Additionally, they may also ask you to provide your wallet address, email address, phone number, or other personal information.

However, once you send them money or information, you will never receive anything in return and may lose access to your wallet or account.

Remember that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

6. Fake mining app or network

Mining is the process of using computer power to verify transactions and create new units of cryptocurrency.

Some scammers may offer you the opportunity to mine crypto using an app or a network that they claim is easy, fast, and profitable.

However, these apps or networks may be fake, malware-infected, or inefficient.

They may also charge you hidden fees, drain your battery, damage your device, or steal your data.

Always be careful when downloading any app or joining any network related to crypto mining and check their reviews and ratings.

7. You invest in a rug pull scam

A rug pull scam is a type of scam where scammers create a new cryptocurrency project, hype it up on social media and other platforms, attract investors with low prices and high potential returns, then suddenly withdraw all the funds from the liquidity pool and disappear with the money.

This leaves the investors with worthless tokens that they can’t sell or trade.

To avoid rug pull scams, always research the project’s team members, roadmap, whitepaper, codebase, and community before investing and don’t rely on hype alone.

8. You buy into a pump-and-dump scheme

A pump-and-dump scheme is a type of market manipulation where scammers artificially inflate the price of a cryptocurrency by spreading false or misleading information about it on social media and other platforms.

They may create fake news, rumors, or testimonials to generate hype and FOMO (fear of missing out) among potential buyers.

Then, they sell their holdings at a high price, causing the price to drop sharply and leaving the buyers with losses.

To avoid pump-and-dump schemes, always do your own research and analysis before buying or selling any cryptocurrency and don’t follow the crowd blindly.

9. You trust a fake expert or advisor

Some scammers may pose as experts or advisors who can help you with your crypto investments, trading, or taxes.

They may offer you advice, tips, signals, strategies, or courses that they claim are based on their experience, knowledge, or insider information.

Furthermore, they may also ask you for a fee, a commission, or a share of your profits.

However, these scammers may not have any credentials, qualifications, or track record to back up their claims.

Additionally, they may also give you bad advice, steal your money, or disappear after taking your payment.

Always check the background and reputation of anyone who claims to be a crypto expert or advisor and don’t trust anyone who guarantees results or asks for upfront payment.

Read more on cryptocurrency recovery scams warning (FBI).


Cryptocurrency scams are a serious threat to anyone who is involved in the crypto space.

They can cause you to lose money, crypto, data, or access to your accounts. To protect yourself from crypto scams, you need to be vigilant, skeptical, and informed.

Always do your own research before investing in any crypto project or platform and never send money or reveal your private keys to anyone you don’t know or trust.

If you encounter or suspect a crypto scam, report it to the relevant authorities and platforms as soon as possible.

Bonface Juma
Bonface Juma

Writer and Instructor

Articles: 112

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